Saturday, April 17, 2010

Description of the painting:
The lady in the foreground of the picture is a guardian angel which symbolises my mother.
A guardian angel always stood by to guide and protect me regardless of day and night.

A mother loves right from the start,
She hold her baby close to her heart,
The bond that grows will never falter,
Her love so strong that will never alter.

A mother's love
Can understand our tears,
Can soothe our disappointments,
And calm our fear.

She is there when things go wrong,
A hug and kiss will help us along,
Always there when we need her help,
And gently wipes our eyes when we shed a tear

Mother is the most caring soul in the world,
Do not neglect her feelings,
Do not be make her disheartened,
And shower all your love to her.

Done : Fangjie

Friday, April 16, 2010

Mother's Love

A short description of the painting
This particular portrait which I have painted tells the meaning of my mother's love to me. The huge heart in red represents my mother's care and love whic she have demonstrated ovre the years. There is a netting which surround thte heart. It's task is to illustrate how precious mother's love is as the heart needs this material to''protect'' it. There are wings coloured in white, at both side of the portrait. This would therefore demonstrate the fact that mother acts like a guardian angel and would keep a watchful eye on me wherever I go.
I chose to draw the heart in the middle ground, with bits and pieces surround it as i I wanted to show taht mother's love is the greatest of all!
A poem dedicated to my mother

Mother's love

You were there when i took my first step,
Grasping onto me tightly,
Fearing that i may slip and fall,
You were there when I made my first achievment,
Sharing the joy of my success and the thrill of accomplishment,
You were there when i first failed,
Comforting me and encouraging me to strive for the best.
With your love you showed me way,
Willing to take on challenges from day-to-day,
Having no doubts in myself and the decisions I make.
In return for your special love,
I will give you priceless gifts,
My piety, love and care.

Done by : Lim Yi Wen

Mother's Warmth

'A mother can mend any broken heart.'
I drew this because it shows what my poem is all about. The broken heart represents my sadness while the thread represents my mother. The thread is blue in colour because it symbolizes wisdom. As you can vividly see, the thread fixed the broken heart together which shows that your mother can cheer you up when you are down. The background is alive with colours as it represents my mother's perky personality.

Mother's Warmth

Outside my house, I stroll by the sea.
I hear the waves washing and splashing angrily towards me.
Bending double, I cry like a baby.
Everyone seems to ignore me.

I suddenly remember my mother,
As gentle as a lamb, as good as gold.
She is my mother, so daring and bold.

I miss her hugs,
I miss her touch.
Love overwhelms me,
I love her so much.

She takes care of me,
raised me from the start.
She is patient with me,
she has a big and caring heart.

I hear footsteps, someone is approaching me.
I start to stand up, slowly and carefully.
My mother, with her warm hazelnut brown eyes and sweet smile,
is eyeing me with concern.
I begin to cheer up instantly,
I hope she wouldn't turn
and leave me.

She walks towards me gracefully, cooing as she went.
My bruised heart starts to mend.
Her warmth spread into me, nothing gets better than this.
My mother, only one of her exist.

Done by: Nadiah

Description of the painting:
The Sun and the different patterns on the butterflies represent how unique my mother is. The hills represent the high and lows of my life. My mother standing at the top of the hill is cheering and helping me on to move on to the brighter side. The rope simply represents her guidance and motivations. The hearts represent the love she showers and the encouragement she gives me when I'm at the downside of life.
You are so very unique,
Like the only sun hanging in the sky.
Just as special as you are,
Like the unusual patterns of a butterfly.
You shower me with your love,
Teach me things with patience,
Guide me through highs and lows,
And gave me motivations.
You go to work every morning,
With an end in mind,
To support the family,
Making sure we live happily by.
Without a single doubt,
I know this everlasting love will last.
The love you have for me,
is embedded in my heart.
Done by : Yun Jie

Description of painting:
The girl represents me after doing my work alone in the middle of the night in the loft. The star represents my mother with a heart in it that shows her heartbeat, and she came to visit and keep me company. In the background, there is a house where everybody else is sleeping soundly leaving me alone with my mother.
Poem: Tribute to Mother
Alone in a corner,
With only a dim light as companion,
That can never cheer,
Or talk like a person
The clock keeps ticking,
With no one else around,
And left me insolitude, thinking.
Without a sound
Sitting on the loft, I stared into space,
As i gazed into the night sky,
Along came an extraodinary star shining so bright on my face,
Yet seems to be really familiar in my eye
Looking at the star, oh how comforting,
Like a guardian angel, watching over me
A smile was carved on my face,
For she is here to stay,
And never fade
She gave me love,
She gave me strength,
She gave me the power to move,
And achieve my dreams that are accompanied with faith
We are seperated by heartbeats,
But no matter how far we are,
My love for her still thrives,
Because she's always near though really far
If only the time would stand still,
I would shower all my love to her,
Because the endless moment is for me to fill,
All my love in the world to her
And we shall never be apart again..
Done : Ashikin

Symbolism in art.
The term symbolism means the systematic use of symbols or pictorial conventions to express an allegorical meaning. There are many commonly used conventions to exprses an allegorical meaning. There are many commonly used symbols that go beyond the paint, symbols used to convey a deeper set of ideas, meanings or principals. Here are some of the most commonly used symbols in art:

Heart pierced by an arrow: Symbolized how love is both pleasurable and paintful.
Red : Symbolized love and passion
Black Birds: These birds typically symbolize death and destructure.
Cypress Tree: Commonly used as a graveyard planter as it is believed to preserve bodies.
Daisy: A wide daisy is a symbol of innocence.
Clover leaf: Three leafed clovers typically represent the Holy Trinity. Four leafed clovers represent luck.
Sunflower: As a flower which blindly follows the sun, sunflowers have become a symbol of infatuation or foolish passion.
Bamboo: Symbolizes longevity as it always has green shoots. It also symbolizes strength and grace, for it bends but does not break easily.
Orchid: A symbol of perfection.

Done by YunJie

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Photo Collages

These dogs are found in the wild, waiting for people to adopt them.

This photo shows how the dogs are saved from the kind group of people.

Capturing the motion of the performer as he played his guitar through a period of time. Most of the movement was created by the performer and some by the position of the images.

Watercolour Painting Tips

Tips on watercolour paper

Water colour paper is usually white, but it need not be. A variety of cool and warm tints is available.

Use acid-free paper for paintings you wish to keep as this will yellow less with age.

Cold-pressed watercolour paper is called NOT paper because it's not hot-pressed.

You can buy prestretched watercolor paper in drawing blocks. When you've finished a painting, you use a palette knife to remove the top sheet from the block.

Limit your palette

Limit your colors to just two or three, particularly in the early stages of a painting.

Tie up color

A few fine calligraphic lines in a harmonious color will usually tighten up a disjointed color arrangement. Use a #1 or 2 liner brush or pen and ink. It is important to use just one color for these lines or you run the risk of adding to the confusion. If you use ink, a fine spray of water quickly after the ink is applied, will soften the lines and create some interesting feathering effects.


Avoid neutral darks - a painting will have more life and character if the darks tend to either warm or cool.

Holding a brush!

Classic Grip:

It's the way you hold a pencil/pen with the difference of gripping the brush further from the business end of things. Pick up your brush and grip the thickest part of the handle above the ferrulle (body of the brush) and hold like like you are getting ready to write a letter. This techinque gives you linear control, making it ideal for flowing lines and drawing with paint.


Hold your brush like you are picking up a pencil from the table-pinching it between your thumb and fingers. As you paint, you can loosen your grip on the brush to allow it to travel, but only use your fingertips to hold the brush while painting. Position your brush parallel to the paper, loosen your wrist and start painting! You won't have much control, but in some situations, that's exactly what you need.

Pass the pencil:

Hold your brush like you are passing someone a pencil or the non-business end of a pair of scissors, but keep it in your hand! This is a looser grip than the pinch with pressure from your thumb holding the body of the brush with your index & middle finger. Your finger and pinkie will wrap loosely and sort of serve as rudders. Rest your knuckles on the paper and scrape the end of your brush against it. Rolling your brush between your thumb and fingers as you paint makes interesting textural effects.


Hold your brush like a screwdriver. This limited range of control forces simplicity and gives access to broad sketching and strokes. Hve a tight grip on the ring and pinkie finger as well as the other digits. Roll your wrist while you let the side of the brush roll across the paper for some interesting texture. Useful for blocking in large, loose masses of paint in your paintings. Slapping and daubing paint and making grand curves are fun to do with this grip.


Grip your brush by the tip of the taper of the brush handle, like a conductor does when she/he taps the music stand to get attention. Using this grip, your whole arm down to your fingertips is involved in a balancing act with a wobbly brush.


Done by : Nadiah

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Definitions and Examples for Simile, Metaphor, Personification, Rhyme & Rhythm

Simile: Simile is when you compare two nouns (persons, places or things) that are unlike, with "like" or "as."

For example: The water is like the sun.

Metaphor: Metaphor is when you use two nouns and compare or contrast them to one another. Unlike simile, you don't use "like" or "as" in the comparison.

For example: I am a rainbow ( comparing two nouns, a person, and a rainbow, but does not use like or as. )

Personification: Personification is to make a thing, idea, or an animal do something only humans can do.

For example: Wind yells while blowing. ( Wind cannot yell, only living things can. )

Rhyme: The repetition of sounds in two or more words or phrases that usually appear close to each other in a poem.

For example: river/shiver, song/long, leap/deep.

Rhythm: The arrangement of stressed an unstressed syllables into a pattern. Rhythm is most apparent in poetry, though it is part of all good writing.
